Monday, June 15, 2020

Become an IEW®

Summer is the perfect time to sharpen your writing and teaching skills with IEW. If you are planning to teach IEW classes in a co-op, tutor students, or teach the IEW method to students in a hybrid school setting or conventional classroom, consider becoming an IEW ® Accredited Instructor. Completing the required practicum assignments and training will ensure that you thoroughly understand the IEW methodology and are able to confidently teach your students. Even though I had been teaching IEW to my own children for ten years when I was offered the opportunity to teach writing classes in local co-ops, I knew that becoming an Accredited Instructor would be beneficial to me and my students. Re-watching IEW’s teacher seminar, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, helped me refresh my understanding of all the units and gain helpful teaching tips. Working through the practicums, I reminded myself that it is one thing to teach and assign the homework, but it is quite another to actually put my own pen to paper and wrestle with the work. Writing and revising, finding just the right style, and making a paragraph pleasant to read can be challenging, and we become better teachers when we have worked through the process ourselves. When parents sign up their children for IEW classes taught by an Accredited Instructor, they can have peace of mind knowing that the teacher was trained by Andrew Pudewa and has demonstrated competence and experience in the IEW methodology. And the ongoing training required for instructors to renew their accreditation also ensures that the Structure and Styleâ„ ¢ method stays fresh and engaging. Being accredited also comes with some nice perks, such as advertising with the IEW trademarks and discounts on IEW training events. Certified and Accomplished Instructors also receive a discount on products, and teachers can even get professional development CEUs through Liberty University by becoming Registered Instructors. Click here to see our growing list of Accredited Instructors. With instructors in dozens of states and several countries, parents can often find one who teaches nearby, or they might want to find a teacher who will provide feedback and grade their student’s papers at a distance. Can we add your name to the list? Enjoy your summer as you plan your writing classes, and find out more about becoming an IEW ® Accredited Instructor here. Sabrina Cardinale  began teaching IEW to her three children in 2002 and has been grateful to see their writing abilities develop from elementary paragraphs all the way to complex college papers. Teaching IEW classes in homeschool co-ops, Sabrina has been delighted to see the joy in her students as their writing and thinking abilities develop. In addition to teaching IEW classes locally, Sabrina is also an  online instructor  and exhibitor for IEW. Log in or register to post commentsSabrina Cardinales blog Log in or register to post comments

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